기로에 선 화웨이 스마트폰 사업... 11월에 운명 갈린다
기로에 선 화웨이 스마트폰 사업... 11월에 운명 갈린다
11월 美 대선 바이든 민주당 후보 대통령 선출시 규제완화 가능성 제기중국 화웨이의 스마트폰 사업이 기로에 섰다. 미국이 중국과의 무역전쟁의 핵..
중국 화웨이의 스마트폰 사업이 기로에 섰다. 미국이 중국과의 무역전쟁의 핵심인 화웨이에 대한 규제를 더욱 강화하고 있기 때문이다. 결국 오는 11월 미국 대선 결과에 화웨이의 운명이 달렸다는 분석마저 나온다.
로이터통신에 따르면 미 상무부는 지난 17일(현지시각) 전 세계 21개국의 38개 화웨이 계열사를 거래 제한 블랙리스트에 추가시켰다.
화웨이는 올 2분기 전 세계 스마트폰 시장서 삼성전자를 제치고 점유율 1위를 차지했다. 전 세계 반중 정서 등 악재로 수출은 줄었지만, 애국소비로 인한 내수 판매가 증가했기 때문이다.
화웨이가 다시 살아날 기회는 있다. 바로 오는 11월 미국 대선이다. CNBC는 전문가들의 인터뷰를 통해 11월 미국 대선에서 조 바이든 후보(전 부통령)가 당선되면, 앞서 트럼프 대통령이 추진했던 화웨이와 관련한 규제들이 완화될 가능성이 높을 것으로 전망했다
Huawei's smartphone business is at a crossroads... Destiny will be decided in November.
China's Huawei's smartphone business is at a crossroads. This is because the U.S. is tightening regulations on Huawei, the core of its trade war with China. Some analysts say that Huawei's fate depends on the outcome of the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November.
According to Reuters, the U.S. Department of Commerce added 38 Huawei affiliates from 21 countries on the 17th (local time) to the blacklist of restrictions on transactions. blacklisted U.S. software and technology will not be available for products and components(부품)). As a result, the number of Huawei's affiliates(계열사) on the U.S. list has increased to 152 in total. In addition, four assembly facilities of Huawei were also included in the transaction restriction list.
1.(더 큰 회사기관 등과) 제휴하다
The hospital isaffiliatedwith the local university.
그 병원은 지역 대학과 제휴하고 있다.
2.가입하다, 연계되다
[VN] The majority of people questionedaffiliatedthemselves with a religious group.
설문에 응한 사람들 대부분이 종교 단체에 가입해 있었다.[also V
Recently, Huawei announced that it will give up production of its own communication chip called 'Kirin' that will be used for Smartphones. This is because the U.S. government has decided to have Taiwan's TSMC, a Taiwanese semiconductor(반도체) consignment(위탁) production company cut ties with Huawei. However, the U.S. government is tightening Huawei even more. The U.S. has completely blocked the purchase of mass-produced APs (application processors) in Taiwan and other countries due to the U.S. additional regulations.
U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeii said on his Twitter account that "Huwait has directly dealt a blow to Huawei and the Chinese Communist Party, more strongly limiting its acquisition of U.S. technology, violating network safety and Americans' personal information around the world."
◇Huwai can't even apply AP to OS...Domestic market is also
If Huawei fails to supply the latest AP stably when even Google's Android OS cannot be used, it will have to end its smartphone business. It is heard that SMIC, which is a Chinese semiconductor foundry company, is having difficulty producing APs for 5G due to lack of technical skills. For Huawei, there is no clear plan to secure supply of parts in the future, and it is expected that the U.S. will tighten regulations even if new methods are found.
Nicole Peng, vice president of mobility at market research firm Canalys, recently said in an interview with CNBC, "The Huawei (smartphone business) will survive by this year, but the next two years will be very difficult."
Huawei overtook(제치다) Samsung Electronics in the global smartphone market in the second quarter of this year. Exports declined due to unfavorable factors such as anti-China sentiment(정세) around the world, but domestic sales increased due to patriotic(애국) consumption. In fact, percentage of Huawei's total smartphone sales has increased from 60% last year to 70% this year. However, if there is a problem in production of products in the future, other Chinese companies such as Oppo and Xiaomi will be given the top spot in domestic market.
apatrioticman who served his country well
자기 국가에 충실히 봉사한 애국적인 남자
◇Joe Biden... Will Huawei be a 'save pitcher(투수)' or a 'hopeful torture'?
There is a chance for Huawei to come back to life. It is the upcoming U.S. presidential election in November. In an interview with experts, CNBC predicted that if candidate Joe Biden (former vice president) is elected in the U.S. presidential election in November, regulations related to Huawei, which President Trump had previously pushed for, are likely to be eased(완화되다).
Avishur Prakash, a geopolitics expert at the Center for Future Innovation (CIF), a Canadian consulting firm, said, "The Biden camp may propose that Huawei withdraw(철회) its ban on supplying products for U.S. companies, including Qualcomm."
1.(뒤로) 물러나다, 철수하다; 빼내다, 철수시키다
[V] Government troops were forced towithdraw.
정부군은 어쩔 수 없이 철수해야 했다.
2.(제공 등을) 중단하다
Workers have threatened towithdrawtheir labour.
근로자들이 노동을 중단하겠다고[파업에 들어가겠다고] 협박해 왔다.
3.(활동·조직에서) 탈퇴하다; 탈퇴시키다
[V] There have been calls for Britain towithdrawfrom the EU.
영국이 유럽연합에서 탈퇴해야 한다는 요구들이 있어 왔다.
"(Biden) prevents Huawei from producing its own chips as it does now, but Qualcomm's supply of existing AP (application processors equivalent to smart phone brains) is acceptable," said Neil Moston, an analyst at Strategy Analytics.
On the other hand, some predict that the Trump administration's anti-China policy could be maintained or strengthened even if Biden becomes president.
At a time when relations with China have entered the Cold War, the United States and China
It is too late to turn China's relations back to the past. In particular, Biden's camp is already shifting from free trade to strengthening protectionism in line with mainstream forces in the Democratic Party.
Professor Sam Zhao of Denver University, an expert on U.S.-China relations, said in an interview with NPR, "The Republican Party as well as the Democratic Party have antipathy(반감) toward China, so we cannot go back to the same relationship as the past."
삼성전자·SK하이닉스, 美 추가제재에 화웨이 반도체 납품 중단
美 상무부 화웨이 추가제재안 15일 발효당초엔 메모리 포함 여부 불명확… "모든 반도체 제재 대상으로 결론"반도체 구매 세계 3위 큰손 화웨이 ..
美 상무부 화웨이 추가제재안 15일 발효
당초엔 메모리 포함 여부 불명확… "모든 반도체 제재 대상으로 결론"
반도체 구매 세계 3위 큰손 화웨이 구매 중단 반도체 업계 실적 타격 우려
삼성전자·SK하이닉스가 미국 상무부 제재안에 따라 오는 15일부터 화웨이에 반도체 공급을 중단한다. 메모리는 물론 5세대(G)·모바일AP 등 시스템 반도체까지 공급이 불가능해질 전망이다
오는 15일 이후 화웨이와 거래하기 위해선 미 상무부 승인을 받아야 한다. 그러나 미국 정부가 ‘화웨이 죽이기’를 선언한 만큼, 국내 기업들은 승인 요청을 보내기를 꺼려하고 있다. 미국의 심기를 건드리는 대신 화웨이와 거래 중단을 선택한 셈이다.
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