
<The Road Not Taken>

rigorous 철저한 엄격한

theoretical 이론의

privileged to ~에 특권을 가진

lament 한탄하다

<Basic of Writing>

argumentation 논쟁

left-aligned 왼쪽 정렬 ----> APA 스타일 논문은 양쪽정렬이 아닌 왼쪽 정렬!

punctuation 구두점

margins 여백

논문 표지에 글 폰트 유형, 크기 모두 통일 시켜야 함.

In formal papers, the first person singular “I” is generally not used; the writer usually refers to himself/ herself in the third person singular, e.g., “the author,” “the researcher,” “the writer.”

The researcher found . . .

permissible 허용되는

coherence 일관성

Generally speaking, most papers are written in the past tense, but present tense is also permissible.

IMPORTANT!!! Do not shift the tense unless needed as unnecessary shifts will ruin the unity and coherence of the paper.

elaborates 정교한

illustration 그림/삽화

reasoning 추론



The topic sentence that states the main idea of the paragraph.


Supporting sentences that develop the main idea with further information, explanation,

reasoning, or examples from a credible source.


The sentence that explains, analyzes or elaborates on how/ why the illustration

supports the point (main idea).

Pluralism 다양성/다원주의

plurality 많은 수

splendid 훌륭한

instance 사례

exclusion 배제

assimilation 동화

pluralism 다원주의

tumultuous influx 떠들썩한 유입

envision 상상하다

angularity 각오

predominantly 우세한 유능한

conform to ~에 따르다 ~에 순응하다

distinctive 독특한

<Basic Structure>

1. Introduction

a. Opener (Brief explanation of topic, Why it is important, Background info. etc.)

b. Statement of problem/ Significance of issue

c. Thesis statement(tentative claim 잠정적인 주장) or hypothesis 가설

d. Purpose of study

e. Outline

Introduction goes from “general -> specific.”

The first sentence should hook the reader.

The introduction must contain the thesis statement.

2. Body

f. Prove the thesis statement through ample 충분한 research, valid reasons, evidential support, and interpretive 해석적 comments (analysis).

Step 1 (POINT)

You should inform your reader what your point is.


You should further explain the point in detail.

You should back up your point with specifics.

(Facts, examples, opinions of experts, statistical data, etc. )


You should explain your examples and show how they work into your argument.

(Explanation, analysis, commentary etc.)

3. Conclusion

g. Review thesis statement

h. Summary

i. Conclude study

Step 1

You should restate your thesis statement.

Step 2

You should synthesize 종합하다 your argument.

Step 3

Conclude your statement.


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