
Cuestan cost

Cuarenta forty

Dientes teeth

Pequeños small

Abrir to open

Caja box

Cepillamos we brush

Los dientes our teeth

Lavamos we are washing

Venir come

Sobre about

Almuerza he/she eats

Qué hacemos luego?

What are we doing later?

Caballo horse

Cerraron they closed

Puertas doors

Cerro he/she closed

Va a he/ she is going to

Vaca cow

Miraron they watched

Granja farm


Limpiaron they cleaned

Pájores birds

Escribieron they wrote

Canciones songs

Escribió he/she wrote


Cerdos pigs

Cocinaron they cooked


Fueron al they went to the

Búho owl

Fue she/he went

Salío he/she went out

Por la around

Estuvieron they were

Have cinco añose fiver years ago

Comieron they ate

Tarde late

Aquel that

Estuvo he/she was

Impió she/he cleaned

El lunes pasado last monday

Tú comiste you ate

Las vacas limpiaron the cows cleaned


Bebiste did you drink

Los cerdos fueron the pigs went to

Nadamos we swam

Dos horas two hours

Disfrutamos we enjoyed

La cena dinner

Pasamos tiempo we spent time

Pasamos we spent

Allá there

Ya comimos we already ate


Corrimos we ran

Bebimos we drank

Salimos we wen out

Almorzar to lunch

Nos quedemos we stayed

Vimos we watched

Anoche last night

En nuestri viaje on our trip

Vimos we saw

Lugares places

Querido dear

Qué tal how are you

Montamos we rode

Aprendimos we learned

Estuvimos we were

Hacer to do

#스페인어오답노트 #스페인어독학


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